Select a plan that's right for you
Select a plan that's right for your business
for 10 users
- 7 days access to Sejda Web
- No access to Sejda Desktop
for 10 users
- Access to Sejda Web
- No access to Sejda Desktop
for 10 users
- Access to Sejda Web
- A year access to Sejda Desktop
Inkludert i alle pakker
- Nettleser basert tilgang til alle PDF verktøyene
- Ubegrensede dokumenter, ingen side eller tidsbegrensningOCR documents up to 100 pages
- Bearbeide flere sider samtidig
- More processing time per task, up to 21 minutes
- Last opp store filer, opp til 500MB
- Epost støtte på Engelsk
Forever free to use
No signup required. Limited usage and features
- Page and hourly limits
- Limited file uploads
- Tool specific limits
- No signup required
- Try also Sejda Desktop
Powering teams around the world
- Volume discount starting from just 2 members.
- Easy setup and management
- View team pricing
Common questions
How can I cancel my subscription?
To cancel a recurring subscription just click 'Stop auto-renewal' from your account page. You can also email
The Week Pass plan is a one-time charge, not a recurring subscription. It does not automatically renew and downgrades to free after 7 days.
Can I cancel at any time?
You can cancel auto-renewal of your subscription at any time. The subscription will no longer auto-renew and it will cancel at the end of the current billing cycle.
Can I subscribe only one month / year?
Yes. Simply cancel auto-renewal immediately after signing up and you'll only be charged for the current billing cycle.
Will my subscription be automatically renewed?
The Week Pass is a one-time charge, not a recurring subscription. It does not automatically renew and downgrades to free after 7 days.
The Monthly and Annual plans are recurring subscriptions and will continue until you cancel.
Subscriptions auto-renew at the end of each term and you will be charged for the subsequent term.
What is Sejda Web?
Sejda Web are the online browser-based tools, where you upload your documents and process them on our servers.
What is Sejda Desktop?
Sejda Desktop is an application that you download and install on your computer. It processes documents on your local computer, without uploading them to our servers.